Nature’s Heart Mission


We are living in an ecological crisis.


Species of Life

The Problem

The earth is in active ecological crisis, which is defined by climate change, social injustice, inequity, and compromised quality of life for all life forms—issues that are all interrelated.

The Mission

A registered 501(c)(3), Nature’s Heart Mission (NHM) offers consultancy to nonprofit organizations interested in more effectively and holistically serving and inspiring their communities through strategies grounded in systems theory.

The Rationale

If we are to address this crisis, a transformation in our collective worldview is crucial. Transformation can be encouraged through the practical application of Systems Theory.

An interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary framework, Systems Theory is based on the principle that the individual component parts of a system are best understood within the context of their respective relationships with one another and other systems.

If we can develop more compassionate behaviors within our selves and organizations as reciprocally embedded systems, we create sustainable spaces within which the needs of humanity, nature, and the earth are more holistically addressed.

The Methodology

NHM’s methodology is to facilitate Bohm Dialogues within organizations in a concerted effort to promote mutual understanding, break down barriers, and build empathy among participants.

Developed by physicist David Bohm, Bohm Dialogue is an exercise in which participants engage in a facilitated open-ended dialogue. The purpose of a Bohm Dialogue is to create a free and open exchange of ideas while fostering a deep sense of understanding and connection among participants.

The Need

Nonprofit organizations unwittingly operate in silos, both within and outside their walls. Tasked with ‘solving’ complex social issues, nonprofit personnel often struggle with limited resources and time, conditions that are not optimal for the creation of new ideas and processes.

By framing Bohm Dialogues within the broader context of the ecological crisis, NHM provides a forum for participants to explore and investigate their assumptions as human beings as opposed to ‘mere’ employees.

The Movement

NHM works entirely on donations, which offset the costs assosiated with the facilitation of Bohm Dialogues.

Currently, NHM operates within New Hampshire with Bohm Dialogues ideally taking place in person, although virtual options are possible.


Interested in NHM facilitating a Bohm Dialogue for your nonprofit organization? 

The Founder

Founder of Exponential Squared and The Philosopher Files, Robert Levey is a PhD Candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His doctoral research focuses on personal and societal transformation.

He has more than 15+ years experience in marketing, individual and corporate fundraising, and development in various leadership roles. In addiiton to his doctoral work, which concludes in 2024, Robert possesses a BA (Philosophy), BS (Organizational Behavior), MA (English) and MBA.

He is a part-time adjunct faculty member at UNH College of Professional Studies where he teaches nonprofit marketing, fundraising & development, leadership, and other related subjects at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

He has served on numerous nonprofit boards, including most recently as President of The Chase Home, one of the oldest nonprofit organizations in New Hampshire. 

Support The Movement

Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, your gift will support Robert’s work with a nonprofit in the state in which YOU live.

Email Robert at, or you may reach him at 603-369-1046.




“Rewilding” applies to ecological restoration strategies that restore sustainable biodiversity and ecopsychological strategies that connect humans to the more-than-human world.

Regenerative Communities

In a complex world with complex problems, the challenge is to find patterns that increase, rather than limit, the number of choices, which in turn lead to emergent. often non-linear solutions.


How we view nature is a reflection of how we view ourselves and one other. If we want to restore balance in the world, we must change the narrative, which begins with exploring our worldview.

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“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”

- Rachel Carson

© Nature’s Heart Mission 2024